Category: Construction -> Metallic constructions
Country: Poland
  Winter gardens are made on the basis of "Wintergarden" building. Through shaping aluminum elements we have achieved high quality slenderness ratio profiles that enable to design and compose nice and esthetic winter gardens, hothouses, swimming pool furnishes.
The flexibility of the system enables the construction of different types of walls, concaves, convexes, construction of side outlet elbows that can be broken by vertical or horizontal lines. In order to achieve optimum thermal and[...]  Details...   Furnishing of the balconies, terraces, hothouses and cavity wardrobes is done with the usage of the COPAL SYSTEM. Modern constructions of sliding walls and windows that have been designed for the light protective furnishing- for rooms that do not require heating, as well as for the inside sliding doors and dividing walls.
This system may be used on particular balconies as well as onmay play the role of furnishing for the whole riser or stories.
Our furnishes::
* protect form the buglers
[...]  Details...   Roofing construction:
- Construction profiles- aluminum,
- Filling -polycarbonate cells of 10 mm thickness with UV filter (one- and two- chambers),
- Slide ways- made from aluminum, or from stainless steel where the number of the tracks is adequate to the number of the
- Roller bearings with rolls, enable easy moving of the whole sections over the sideways,
- Sliding or half open doors that may be installed in the front or side wall,
- Easy disassembly[...]  Details...   Inside partitions are perfect furnishing for the offices , banks, hotels, reception desks, halls,etc.
Easy installing of the partitions together with a wide range of offer, give enormous opportunities for designing free space for different purposes, and according to different conditions, with the possibility of easy assembly and disassembly, when needed, or in case of design changes.[...]  Details...   Steel pipes construction
aluminium sheet metal roof screwed to wooden bolts with screws
skylights in celling
25-30 x 15 x 6 m (450 m2)
having model of a hall, it can be widened and extended, and make other items
easy possibility of providing with thermal insulation
easy to heat (air circulation)
in most cases no need of permission to build it
similar items: *************** this one is the one and only
price includes project and assembling solutions
*[...] Details...   The frame scaffolding system Plettac SL 70 is all-purposed, meant to be used repeatedly, and with right selection of elements it corresponds to all 6 scaffoldings group according to DIN 4420. Diversity of elements allows setting the scaffolding up around every structure.
- scaffoldings made of hot-galvanized steel;
- wooden impregnated platforms;
- permissible load: 2kN/m2;
- standard anchor to the object;
- width of standard working platform is 0,7m;
-[...] Details...  Gelander aus Edelstahl auch mit Glass und Holz
Balustrady ze stali nierdzewnej, również w połączeniu ze szkłem i drewnem.
Gelander aus Edelstahl auch mit Glass und Holz.[...] Details...  Rusztowania GBG L73 są w 100% kompatybilne z systemem Layher.
System rusztowań elewacyjnych GBG L73 jest wygodny w montażu i transporcie, dzięki czemu zdobył uznanie wśród wielu wykonawców na całym świecie.
Cechy rusztowań GBG L73
* dla większego bezpieczeństwa zastosowaliśmy klinowy system mocowania poręczy, który dodatkowo usztywnia rusztowanie w kierunku poziomym
* możliwość tzw. „kroczenia”, czyli rozbierania skrajnego pionu i dostawiania go na końcu[...] Details...   Lightweight design about spacing (width) 12 m
Height: 4.5 meters,
length of 40 meters (proposed - the possibility of changes),
in the set screws for the deflection of the hall.
The design is protected against corrosion chlorokauczukową colored paint.
The design consists of columns and trusses twisted with each other. Possible assembly in a designated spot.
We can do construction under the requirements of the customer. The length of the hall adapt to the individual needs
Price: 24 000 PLN[...] Details...  Podest Ruchomy ACT - urządzenie przewoźne, o udźwigu 3 620 kg, rozpiętości do 15,5 m, w konfiguracji mostowej nawet do 42 m, o przesuwie 10 m/min, do 13 m pracy bez kotwienia i BEZ ODBIORU UDT, zasilane silnikiem spalinowym - idealne narzędzie do ciężkich robót murarskich, kamieniarskich i fasadowych, jak szklenie i tynkowanie.[...] Details...